To Deepika Padukone, the fitness is not an option, it is his lifestyle. She said: "Instead of a compulsive eating and exercise and take you up the wall to follow-up, their part of your life to do."
The actor said little things like brisk walking for 20 minutes around your building and the stairs are good enough to maintain fitness average. It streets, "People take the elevator to the first floor. You can not climb? At airports or in my building, I can not use escalators. "Deepika plays shoots outdoor sports. If she can not go to the gym, the swimming and dancing in her room.
As a young athlete, an actor played badminton for many years. His daily routine consisted of going for forty minutes, combined with strength training, but the evenings were spent playing badminton for three or four hours, five times a week. He says, "because of excessive training, I was tired and took a break to exercise, I first turned to yoga a few years ago."
The actor is now taking a combination of fitness and Pilates for a month of his coach, Yasmin, which he says is "the perfect overseer." He says: "If you are someone who has just gently nudges, you can easily end up Yasmin lazy and I just had a workout in a month and I can already see the results .." Deepika adds: "I never had to go through a drastic weight loss, but I feel my body is a potential for a lot of tweaking and definition. Pilates will help hit the right areas."
The actor also insists that she never crash food: "I've never starve, I eat in moderation, I enjoy life in a small piece of dark chocolate every night, so I don ' did not feel like a complete desert ... "Actor feels Fitness is often misunderstood by the waist and said," Fitness does not mean you have to be thin and gaunt. "
What is Pilates?
Joseph Pilates - the inventor of the Pilates method - has worked in a circus. He has developed over the First World War to improve posture and flexibility for dancers and artists of all ages.
Pilates is designed to increase strength and body flexibility. This is done gradually balance, stretching and proper breathing techniques.
This is an excellent anti-aging exercise
It aims to build core strength. Core muscles protect the spine and to build bone density and strength.
They focus on maintaining positions during the exercise and deep breathing help to relieve stress.
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